Baja Trek's daily blog.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Baja Trek Annual Holiday Toy Trot
It's so much fun. Just seeing the looks on those little kids faces when they get a Teddy Bear or toy for the holidays is priceless. There is nothing really like it anywhere.
The idea came about when I was a kid. Just a little itty bitty niggler if you will sporting nothing but my coolest pair of Batman feety pajamas. It was Christmas eve in our apartment complex and everything was not as quiet as a mouse.
Our apartment was joined by other apartments on two sides and faced out to a small park area where all the kids would play on the grass. Not a bad place to play. Or see Santa! Anyway, it was Christmas eve and out of nowhere this monster station wagon jumps the street curb, drives into the park and stops right in front of my apartment. I in my feety pajamas just stared out the window while trying to hide behind the couch at the same time. It didn't work. I think I almost wet myself when the fat guy in the passenger seat got out of the station wagon and walked up to my door and knocked with a booming Ho, Ho, Ho.
Holy Bat Crap Batman it really is Santa. I opened the door. He patted me on the head and handed me something. I don't remember what it was. It doesn't matter. It was awesome because it was from Santa. And that's all I need to remember.
Thanks you Mr. Santa Clause. It's in your spirit that we do these annual Baja Trek Toy Trots. Love Love
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
It's Weird Being Different.
So, we're going on almost 6 years now doing Baja Trek. We've met some of the best people on the planet and have experienced some of the greatest things Mother Nature has to offer. For that we are very thankful.
It's the little pleasures in life that make these kind of Treks so important. A Shooting Orange Sunset, maybe it's a cresting over a valley that shows the next beautiful peak, or a sly coy smile from a person in the rear view mirror who has traveled continents to get on a Baja Trek.
These things are things that money will never be able to express on it's best day. There is no tip. There is no thanks.
There is no satisfaction on the planet that can reward you like the look on someone's face after you know that they are having the time of their life.
Maybe it's swimming with a Whale Shark, or seeing people see their first shooting star.
Maybe it's their reaction when they hear their first Coyote howl at a full moon. I don't know, but I love it. It's energy! It's Love!
Baja California is like that. It doesn't take you long to get back to Mother Nature here. You don't have to look far.
She finds you.
Baja is over two and half times longer than the state of Florida. She boasts just a little over 1/8th of Florida's entire population. All mostly along the boarder with Alta California.Y ou can imagine Mother Nature can be found around almost every corner.
You really have to see it to believe it.
Of course, being what it is isn't for everyone. No Domino's Pizza or AAA here. This is the outback.
This is Adventure.
It's not for everyone and we like it that way. We're thankful that places that are so close to the U.S.A. are like this. We're thankful that the great people of Mexico and Baja California have stuck to their pride of identity. We Love you for it.
Just cross the Border and see for yourself.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Baja Boogie
Often, some of the best secrets are right out side your backdoor. And., Baja California is no exception. We'd like to think that the Trek Crew is pretty well traveled. So, we're always amazed how you can go just a few miles from the good ol' U.S. of A. and feel like you're a million miles from home. Unique food, great people and, best of all, no foolish little exit signs that say things like 'Biggest Ball of String" or "Drive through Tree". Because, what they really mean is "Stop! Get ripped off and leave as fast as you can, Thanks for your Money". Baja California isn't like that. You don't have to go far to find it, either. Just down the street, around the next corner or in that small pueblo is a place that has been undiscovered. Maybe you're the first one there?
The best way to experience this amazing feat is through the eyes of friends and fellow travelers. At least to me it is. To see someone see something truly amazing for the first time, and really appreciate it is what it's really all about. It makes the dirt roads, the busted knuckles turning wrenches and the long hours soooooooo worth every second of the adventure. And, that's exactly what it is. An Adventure.
Thanks great people who still have the spirit of adventure and are willing to act on it. We Love you.
Love Love!
Monday, September 17, 2012
Got to Love Ma' Nature!
Just last week we breezed into the Hot Springs down here with a small group of Trekkers. I guess "breeze" is an exaggeration. Ol' Gus the Baja Adventure Bus did his best to get up the rugged road that leads to these desolate gems of beauty. We purred through the rock gardens, up toward the cactus strewn low lands and then up the craggy road that marks the entrance to the hot springs. That 's when the real adventure began.
Now we've been doing the hot spring thing for, geez, going on our 6th season. At this point we think we have things pretty well figured out. You know, chest out and ego bulging figured out. Ma' Nature was going to have none of that. The road into the springs was so torn up by the recent down pours of rain that it wasn't even close to drivable. What did we do? We do what all Trekkers do. We saddled up the backpacks and hiked into the hot springs. Not a long walk. Maybe about a mile or so. The hike was the most beautiful one we have ever encountered. Fresh from the rain the palm trees were at their finest. Nature was out everywhere. Cactus in bloom and the smell of desert grasses filled the air. And! an awesome all natural hot spring waiting for us under the shade of the area's most beautiful trees made it even more spectacular. All thanks to Ma' Nature's wrath if you will? Without all that rain I doubt it would have been so awe inspiring. Thanks Ma' Nature. Keep doing what you're doing and making our lives interesting. Love ya!
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
A Tipi for the Treks
A Tipi is solid, easy to set up and, best of all, it stands up to a good breeze really well. Once the decision was made we contacted one of those funky companies that sell such things and talked to one of the guys who makes them for a living. All he kept saying was "You're going to Love it" "You're going to Love it" - Just like a broken record. He said it so much that we got caught up in his exuberance, too. Before we know it we we're saying " We're going to Love it" " We're going to Love it" This soon became our new mantra. So without haste that pesky 3x5 plastic card came out and we purchased one on the spot.
The thing arrived. In a big box. All the Trek Elves stood around in amazement when it showed itself for the first time. It was Love at first site. We didn't know why but just looking at that Tipi laying there like a new born baby was a thing to behold. Now, I'd like to tell you that we heard angels singing and all that jazz but that's simply not true. The newborn didn't look like a Tipi but we could see the possibilities once it "grew up" if you will?
We had a Trek in two days to visit the Whale Sharks in Bahia de Los Angeles. The Trek Elves got the paint out and started painting. The baby was to be yellow and green. Why? That's what we had on hand at Trek Hq so why not? After half the paint was on the Tipi and half on us we set it out to dry.
On the beach for the first time we set the baby up. We had no idea what we were doing. After some practice it went up pretty easy. Or maybe it was the beer. I don't remember, but it was standing and our chests were out with pride.
The first night it blew like stink and people's tents were flipping over like tumble weeds in the wind. That little Tipi stood tall and proud and didn't move an inch. After that we were sold. The Tipi is the way to go.
Thanks nice man up in Montana for you exuberance. You were right. "We Love it"
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Another Year of Whale Shark Adventures
It's that time of year again! The time of year of racing heart beats, road trips and adventure. Every year for the last 5 years Baja Trek has made the pilgrimage in August to swim with the gentle Whale Shark. The Whale Shark makes it's summer home in and around the islands of Bahia de Los Angeles in sunny Baja California. This year about 17 intrepid trekkers will be donning snorkel gear, loading up panagas and kayaks to follow these docile giants as the feed on plankton at a slow rate of about 2 miles per hour. It's an adventure anyone can do. To see and swim with one is an exhilarating experience to say the least. Here 's a video by our friends at National Geographic about what it's like-
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Friday, March 2, 2012
Environmentalists find opportunities in Baja California

The Great Recession halted many projects on the Baja Peninsula. Conservation groups used it to protect more open space, the Fronteras Project reports.
This is a tiny fishing village on the Pacific coast, about 400 miles south of the U.S.-Mexico border. There’s not much going on here as night falls on a recent weekday evening — just a few dirt bikers roaring around, and surfers catching the day’s final waves.
But only five years ago, this town was bustling with construction.
Santa Rosalillita was slated as the first step in the Escalera Naútica, or Nautical Staircase — a string of marinas that the Mexican federal government planned to build along the coast of Baja California and the Sea of Cortez.
Now, this marina is a giant sandpit. The main, three-story building that was supposed to greet boaters with a restaurant and Internet service, sits empty, rusting in the salty breeze.
The failed Nautical Staircase project has become the poster child for over-ambitious development dreams in Baja California.
“It was planned with the expectation that the real estate was going to continue growing," said Saúl Alarcón, executive director of the Mexican conservation group, Terra Peninsular. "They said: 'Well, let’s put some marinas in key places because we’re developing the entire coast. So eventually we’ll have thousands of people with yachts coming to Baja California.'”
During the recent boom years, many Mexican developers, and Americans in search of a plot of paradise, invested in Baja California's miles and miles of unspoiled, breathtaking coastline. Now, many are saddled with half-finished condos and acres of remote land with no electricity or water.
But some people aren’t all that upset about the development freeze.
“Definitely the downturn of the economy has been a positive boon for (Baja California's) natural resources," said Serge Dedina, executive director of WiLDCOAST, based in Imperial Beach.
“When the Baja Boom was happening, it seemed like environmentalists were fighting all kinds of projects," Dedina said. "From a plethora of liquid natural gas terminals to marina development projects, high-rise development projects and mega-resorts."
A lot of that has come to a halt. And thanks to the slowdown, WiLDCOAST and other conservation groups have been able to buy up discounted coastal land from speculators who once hoped to make a fortune selling beachfront real estate. They are establishing conservation easements on private land, and working with the Mexican government to form new protected areas.
“So in places like San Ignacio Lagoon, Magdalena Bay, the corridor between Loreto and La Paz and in the central Pacific coast, we’ve been able to preserve some really world-class coastal biodiversity areas," Dedina said. "Areas where grey whales go, and where you see whale sharks. Real world class, Africa-style wildlife destinations. So that’s really exciting.”
About four hours north of Santa Rosalillita is San Quintín Bay, an internationally recognized wetlands area. Tens of thousands of migratory waterbirds hibernate here. Clams and oysters are abundant.
“It’s one of the last (coastal) wetlands in North America," said Alarcón from Terra Peninsular. "I’d say, 80 to 90 percent of the habitat is still in good shape."
The local government had hoped this fragile bay would also house a marina. A mega resort and golf course were also once on the drawing board. But now, Terra Peninsular is coordinating with the government to establish a Federal Biosphere Reserve on nearly 300,000 acres here. It’s also working with local farmers to establish land use plans and sustainable agricultural practices.
Of course, development brought much needed money into this region. And with that money gone, conservationists are hurting, too.
“I mean, non-profits too, depend on grants and donations to do their work," Alarcón said. "When the development pressure goes down, the money for conservation also goes down.”
Back in Santa Rosalillita, locals say the jobs and income promised by the marina could have been good for the town. Even though it’s not likely to ever be operational, the marina project did bring electricity and a paved road. And a few surfing tourists: the marina’s break wall created a nice new wave.
Now, local fishermen are brainstorming ideas for what to do with this sandy corral.
"Some kind of farm," mused Javier Maclish, a local fisherman. "It would be really special if we could do that kind of work there. For example, an abalone or fish farm. Why not? I think we have a very interesting place to do it.
Transform a failed marina into fish farm? Indeed, why not? Baja's isolated residents are used to making something out of what appears to be to others to be a waste.
By Jill Repogle Reprinted from scrp.org