The tabulation of the ballots has been completed. No recount is needed even though several candidates have expressed concern that the election was rigged(no pun intended). After an unbiased official confirmed the election results today it was determined to be a landslide victory.
Yes Kids! You read that right A LANDSLIDE VICTORY!!
Baja Trek is proud to announce the new Mascot for 2010/2011 Trekking Season is (insert drum roll here) ...................... RIGGY (a.k.a. Riggy the Power Pup).
Riggy won on the merits. He's never in trouble, he's a teetotaler, quiet as a church mouse and a heck of a good driver :-) So Kids, you may not see Riggy on every Trek but when you do, know that Riggy rules the Mascot roost... Roof Roof
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