It's that time of year again. No not that time. It's a time where people fling money around. It's a time of love and caring. It's a time of thoughtfulness toward others. Even though, we should all strive to move in this direction in our daily actions, it's this time of year especially that you can help and support the things that you stand for and the vision you have for a better world. How? Glad you asked. Support the things you love by using your holiday spending dollars wisely. It's that simple. Well, you made it through this far so we won't let you down. Now for the Baja Trek shameless plug. Help support Gus and an earth friendly carbon neutral lifestyle by buying your gifts at the mighty Trek store. How does this help you ask? It helps us get the message out of a more sustainable and respectful way of moving people. It helps us buy the things needed to make raw waste vegetable oil a renewable form of fuel for Gus at Trek Headquarters. It helps all the little people, too. It helps us put together things like holiday Trek Toy Trots and purchase items for our partner orphanage. Do all those chain retailer's CEOs really need another bonus this year while our world is in the weeds? So how about changing the world this holiday season? Shop with a conscience!
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